Absolute Motion (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Caster

Explanation/Description: This spell gives the caster absolute direction sense, and distance judgement, and the ability to choose the direction of his footsteps to an accuracy of one (character) inch in seven leagues. It also gives an automatic ability to do instant trigonometry with isoceles triangles. The material components are a lodestone and a pair of dividers.

Alarm 7 (Divination, Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 12 hours Saving Throw: n/a
Area of Effect: Caster

Explanation/Description: This is a high-quality morning/attack alarm for the lone adventurer. It will awaken, alert and put into armour the sleeping caster on complex conditions. IT has the following senses: normal, infra, ultra vision, det enemies, life, invisible (inc astral, ethereal and out of phase), undead, magic and is aware of the passage of time. The material component is a tigers eye with a clockface engraved on it (worth 100GP).

Arduin Prismatic Spray (Abjuration, Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 7 Components: V
Range: 0 Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 7" long plane 12-112" wide

Explanation/Description: This spell produces a single coloured Prismatic spray. The caster chooses the colour from among those he knows at time of casting. If he knows more than one version of a particular colour, he gets the choice of which one to cast. Such effects as blinding or causing truesight insanity will be dependent on the origin of the colour.

Bladesharp VI (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 weapon

Explanation/Description: This spell covers a bladed weapon in a glowing field of positive energy, which inflicts six points of damage per hit on an opponent. Due to its focussing effect on the edge of the blade, it also gives the wielder +6 to hit. Note that while this damage can strike a creature only hit by magic, it does not enable any weapon or Strength bonus damage to do so. The material component is a small whetstone.

Bludgeon VI (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 2 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 weapon

Explanation/Description: This spell acts in all repects as Bladesharp VI, save in that it can only be cast on blunt weapons. The material component is a lump of lead.

Brewing Sapphire Wine (Item Enchantment)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Casting Time: 12 hours
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 sapphire

Explanation/Description: This is the enchantment ritual for creating sapphire wine. A draught of sapphire wine removes up to 10 years magical aging, from any source, but no more than one draught may be drunk in any one year. This ritual requires a Barbrian blue star sapphire and that those working the ritual know a demon summoning/binding ritual. It goes as follows: A demon (type II ish) must be summoned and bound into the sapphire, which is then transmuted in an alchemical process which involves rendering it down in an adamant retort in a circular room with three windows (S, NE, NW), with a mixture including dragons blood, powdered herbs, a pinch of mercury, 2 lb of bicarbonate of soda, beeswax and the tears of virgin males. It also requires a drop of the blood of a willing, natural, living human, who must be aged 15 - 35, fairskinned, have screwed 2 - 10 people and who must not be directly connected with the ritual and must agree out of love or friendship. This must be ritually extracted on the night of the full moon. No one can be used more then once.

The success %age of this ritual runs as follows:

level of caster: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21-24 25+

%age of success: 0% 3% 30% 70% 85% 90% 95% 99% 100%

If the ritual fails the demon possesses the caster, unless he is immune to possession (eg Mind Blank) and he is bound in the sapphire, from which he can be released by shattering the crystal, which will be reduced to valueless and unusable fragments. The original setup cost is 50 KGP.

Cache II (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell creates an extradimensional space only accessible to the caster. The spell can only be dispelled by the caster though the space will be inaccessible in an Anti-Magic Shell etc. A mage may only have one cache in operation at once. The internal conditions are the same as in a bag of holding. The space works on any plane on which X-D space works (the spell ceases and the objects in the cache fall out next to the mage, if he enters a plane inaccessible to X-D space). If the caster enters X-D space (eg Rope Trick, maze, trap the Soul,, portable hole, bag of holding) the objects in the cache appear next to him and must be carried out or will stay there and cannot be retrieved (except for the normal means for such an X-D space)(IN the case of Maze scattered about the maze, requiring that it be solved once for each item). The space is a push down stack of 6 volumes of 10 cu ft each, which can hold 1 object each (A chest + contents counts as one object). The material component is six crystal klein bottles and an apparatus in which they can be stacked, and removed in order.

Cloth of Gold (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: One task Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell allows the caster to spin any non-magical metal into thread and then weave, plait, or otherwise work with the thread as if it were normal wool or cotton thread. the spell also allows working of other non-metallic, non-magical solids, provided they have some degree of ductility. Glass or rubber (or plastics, if they exist) can be worked, ceramic cant. Specially prepared tools are required, which must be of high quality - the preparation ritual takes 3 days, but need not be repeated for subsequent jobs. The spell allows sufficient material to be prepared to make one garment or other cloth item. This must be decided on and designed before the spell is cast. The material component is a golden needle.

Continual Material (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 cu ft

Explanation/Description: This spell is cast on a location or container holding a sample of up to one cubic foot of a single substance. The spell will attempt to hold the amount and composition of the sample constant, by creating more (from its constituent elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water), and by destroying any excess or other material. Since the spell cannot create Elan Vital or Value, it cannot create, but can destroy, any precious material (such as precious metal or precious or semi-precious gems), any once living material (such as wood, leather, coal, or oil), any refined metal (such as iron or lead), or any material which is even residually magical. The spell can neither create nor destroy any living creature or living or enchanted material. Material created by this spell is not magical and cannot be dispelled. The spell can create textured materials, such as granite, gravel, rectangular salt crystals and so on, but cannot produce deliberately shaped material (so a sample of marble cubes would give a supply of angular pieces of marble). For fluids the limit to creation and destruction of material is 1 cubic foot/round. For a solid block it is 1 foot per round over an area of upto 1 square foot, and the end material is attached to the location of the spell. The material components are a sample of the desired substance, and a pure sample of each of the four elements. Examples of material that can be created, with notes: any stone (such as continuous casting of marble grecian columns from a fluted container), glass, mud, gravel, sand, lava, smoke, water (any desired temperature and soilutes; 1 cu ft/ round is the same as a tap full on), fire (any desired temperature and colour), salt, sulphur, air (enough for 1 creature of medium size).

Continual Mending (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: N/a
Area of Effect: 1 (or part of ) object

Explanation/Description: This spell acts very much like one Mending per round. It will restore the affected object to the stateit was in when the Continual Mending was cast (at 1 point of damage per round or 1 structural point per turn). It will not recreate major missing parts, but will reattach them if they are put back in place. Small amounts ( < 0.1% of the object) will be regenerated at a rate of up to 1 GP Wt per turn (subject to the constraint that the spell can only regenerate 0.01% of the items value worth of material per day (note that this can be a comparatively large amount for eg works of art)). This spell lasts until more than 0.1% of the object is destroyed or taken more than 1"/level from the object at any one time. If used on a magical item, sufficient damage to destroy the items enchantment will also break the spell. Multiple castings of Continual Mending upon the same part of an object are possible, but do not accelerate the rate of repair, or effect the maximums. The material component is a thimbleful of powdered lodestone and iron filings.

Coron's Excellent Spray of Demon Roasting (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 3" +1"/lvl Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: 12
Area of Effect: 2" radius sphere

Explanation/Description: When this is cast a mote of orange light streaks from the casters fingers and explodes filling a 2" sphere with incandescent orange light. This, while harmless to most creatures does D6 + 1 per level to creatures native to the lower outer planes (CN, CE, NE). Due to the peculiar nature of this radiance the creatures get -50% magic resistance against this effect. The material component is some material from an outer plane whose powers are inimicable to demons.

Crossplanar Communicator (Divination)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Special Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell gives the effect of having used Crossplanar Clairvoyance, Audience, visisbility and Audibility on the desired location. The material components are those required for both spells.

Countermagic VI (Abjuration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature/object

Explanation/Description: This spell acts as a pre-cast dispel magic on any spell targetted on the target. The dispel is cast at the spellcasters level with a base 225% - 25 x level of incoming spell chance of success. If it succeeds in dispelling the incoming spell by a margin of 25% or greater this spell remains in operation, otherwise it stops. The material component is a pinch of a powder made by drying a beholder's central eye.

Cure 4d8 (Necromancy)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature

Explanation/Description: This spell cures 4D8 HP of damage. The material component is a bandage.

D'allon's Spell of the Mist of Black Misery (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 7 Components: V, S
Range: 6" Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 1 rnd/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature

Explanation/Description: This spell causes the victim to be covered utterly in a black mist. They have every sense completely and 100% blocked. Note that as this spell is (save for a visual illusion of a black mist) a phantasm, it will effect EVERY sense. Creatures under this spell should find most directed actions nearly impossible, save for those whose targetting is done by visualisation (fighters with blind fighting can fight in melee at -4 to hit).

Dispel Resistance (Abjuration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 1 turn / level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is either cast on an object, creature, or a 3" square area. In each case it causes a field that resists Dispel Magic and similar spells. Spells on the object/creature, or in the area, add the casters level to the level of their caster for purposes of seeing whether they were dispelled. Note that this applies to the RESIST DISPEL as well (so it always dispels as if it were cast at a minimum of 28th level). Note that this spell effects all spells on the creature, even those which have an area effect (eg Minor Globe of Invulnerability). It is compatible with Reinforce Spell. The material components are a pair of silver wires (one clean, one tarnished).

Double Fireball (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 10" + 1"/l Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: 12
Area of Effect: Two 2" radius spheres

Explanation/Description: This spell is a simple combination of two Fireball SPELLS. These can be sperately targeted, so long as both targets are in front of the mage, and their areas of effect may overlap. They burst a fraction of a segment apart, so it is possible for a creature to be in the area of both; in this case it saves seperately against damage from each. The balls each do the usual D6/level fire damage with a ST for half, and blow back (independently) to fill the usual 33,000 cu ft of volume each. The only difference between this and two simultaneous Fireball spells is that this is one 7th level spell not two third level spells. The somatic components are identical to those for fireball, but are symmetrical with each hand mirroring the other's actions, and are slower. The material components are of course two pellets of bat guano and sulphur.

Elemental Gate (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Caster

Explanation/Description: This spell acts as a no error crossplanar teleport between a previously prepared pentacle and an elemental plane, which must be selected at the time of learning the spell. When used to return from an elemental plane, it always returns the caster to the last pentacle from which he travelled to an elemental plane. Note that if this pentacle has been damaged or destroyed, the teleport ceases to be no-error. The caster can take 850lb + 250lb per level above 14th of other material with him, which must be within the pentacle throughout the casting of the spell, and if sentient, must be willing. The caster need not be touching this material. The material components are the pentacle, which will commonly be prepared well in advance, and some of the appropriate elemental material. Note that if the caster wishes to get to a particular "plane of fire" he must alos provide some material symbolising that particular plane. These materials are used up.

Elric's Spell of Disintegrating Magical Metals (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S
Range: 0 Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Neg
Area of Effect: 30' long 20' wide cone

Explanation/Description: This spell Disintegrates all magical metals in it's area of effect. The items get to save individuallly. The save is not effected by an personal protection the bearer may have (such as a ring), except for scarabs, but is effected by area effect protection, any protection specifically defined to effect the item concerned, and prayers and such like.

Ethereal Portal (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Up to 1 rnd/level Saving Throw: n/a
Area of Effect: 2 sq. ft./ level

Explanation/Description: This spell is used to create a portal onto the Ethereal Plane. It transfers those passing through it to/from the prime plane to the/a equivalent point in the border ethereal. It will pass casters level entities through it. Familiars, animated objects, intelligent items do not count but pets, mounts, simulacra etc do. It allows passage in both directions until the timelimit expires or the requisite number of people pass through in which case it ceases to exist.

Ethereal Wall (Abjuration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 hr
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 10' cube/level

Explanation/Description: This spell produces a permanent Wall of Force type barrier on the ethereal boundary with the prime material plane in the volume concerned. This cannot be passed/ spell cast through in either direction. the material component is a dust made of powdered diamond and dried basilisk blood, which costs 500 GP/10' cube. The wall can only be effected by those things which effect a Wall of Force. Note that for halved area of effect at double cost/unit area, the local border ethereal may be contained within the barrier. (so that one may go ethereal within the volume, but not move in or out of the volume on the ethereal plane.

Extension IV (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V
Range: 0 Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as Extension I save in that it extends the duration of first and second level spells to triple duration, third and fourth level spells to double duration and increase the duration of fifth and sixth level spells by 50%

Fazalla's Friend From Beyond (Necromancy, Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: n/a Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 10 rnd/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: The mage can call a (close) friend from the dead to fight for them. The friend will appear D6 rounds after casting ends. This spell may also be cast to call for a friends aid in other circumstances, but they will only appear if it is an emergency. The friend will not appear if their soul is trapped or in the hands of some powerful being (unless this is part of the normal afterlife for a soul of their beliefs), but there is no limit on how long they have been dead. The friend appears as an Einheriar, and may or may not have equipment at D. M.s discretion. The material component is something the friend left/gave to the caster and is used up.

Fly 36" (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 3 turn/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature

Explanation/Description: This spell is identical to Fly save that the base flight speed is 36".

Forget Spell (Alteration, Abjuration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 8 hours
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: n/a
Area of Effect: One spellcaster

Explanation/Description: This ritual is used to enable a mage to forget a spell he has previously learnt, thereby freeing a slot in his spellbook for another spell. The mage casting the spell must know the spell to be forgotten. The target must roll under his 'chance to learn spells ' percentage to forget the spell. If he fails, he can never use this spell to forget that spell. If he succeeds he cannot relearn that spell at his current INT, and has only the increase in 'chance to learn spell'-5% as a chance to relearn it at higher INT. The caster must make a ' chance to learn spell' roll as well, if he fails he forgets the spell, but can relearn it at standard chance. The material component is one mages copy of the spell, which are destroyed in the ritual. NB a mage who has forgotten a spell has a 5% x spell level chance of failing to use a scroll of that spell.

Forget Virtual Spell (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 spellcaster

Explanation/Description: This spell removes a spell from the targets virtual memory allocation. The material components are a 5,000 GP diamond and a scroll of the spell (preferably from the targets spell books), which are used up.

Glance VI (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature/object

Explanation/Description: This spell covers the creature/object in a glowing field of positive energy, which deflects weapons. It gives +6 AC vs. all attack forms. The material component is a polished piece of turtleshell.



Components: V Range: 1/4"/level Casting Time: 1 seg Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This power word only affects Intellect devourers, of which it slays up to 4. In the event of one or more of the Intellect devourers having a scarab save, it/they receive hold person saving throw minuses.

Hold Spell II (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 turn
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: See below

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, and in that it allows the storage and release of first to fourth level spells, this spell is identical to the sixth level spell Hold Spell I.

Improved Liquefy (AlterationReversible)

duration: Permanent cast: Special ST: None

area. 2' cubellevel. range: 1'Ilevel comp: V, S, M

This spell (researched by Luinrod) is similar to the 5th level spell Liquefy Rock, but is improved in several respects. It will affect almost any inorganic substance which can be melted by heat, except for adamant, adamantite, and and diamond. The minimum viscosity it can reach depends upon the melting point of the substance affected, ranging from that of tar or tungsten, via about that of engine oil for most sorts of rock, to less that of water for ice. The viscosity can vary across the area of effect as desired, between this minimum and solidity. This can be done on a fairly detailed level: viscosity gradients from solid to minimum over a few character inches can be achieved, with care. The minimum casting time is one turn, and the decrease in viscosity takes place in the last round of this, at a rate of 10% of maximum viscosity decrease per segment. If desired, the spell casting can be continued, and viscosity decreases can be produced as desired within the area of effect for as long as this is continued. (This does not allow a greater amount of material to be liquefied even if some of it is moved: the area of effect will move with it.) If material liquefied by different castings of this spell from the same caster is brought into contact, the spells will combine for the purposes of being dispelled, and can thus be targeted with Dispel Magicas a single spell. The spell can also be reversed. The reverse, Improved Solidify, allows the caster to increase the viscosity of any substances liquefied with Liquefy Stone, Improved Liquefy, or closely related spells which are within casting range. (Since solidity is the natural non-magical state of stone, this is not subject to an area of effect maximum: any material within range is affected.). lf the spells were cast by a different caster, a Dispel Magic-like roll is required for success-failure indicates that this casting of Improved Solidify will have no effect on that spell. If this is used to increase the viscosity to of the substance back to its original unmodified level, then the liquefy spell on that part of the substance dissipates, as if dispelled, and the solidify spell can have no further effect on it. The material component is a piece of soda glass heated in an intense flame for Improved Liquefy, or liquid soda glass cooled in air for Improved Solidify.

Improve Weather (Alteration)

Level: 7
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: D10 hours/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 4D4 mile radius

Explanation/Description: This spell acts as a variant control weather spell moving the weather 1/2 a stage on each table towards a desired result. The change takes 2D6 long turns to occur. The area is rerolled every 24 hours. This spell is stackable and stacks with control weather. Material component is a burning incense, earth, wood and water.

Invulnerability IV (Abjuration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: n/a
Area of Effect: 1 creature

Explanation/Description: The creature effected can only be hit by +3 or better weapons. The material component is a piece of hide from a creature only hit by +3 or better weaponry.

Ironhand VI (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 natural weapon

Explanation/Description: This spell acts as Bladesharp VI, save in that it is cast on a single natural weapon (e.g. mouth, hand, hoof, foot...). The material component is a nailfile.

Kaspars Mnemonic Enhancer (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Casting Time:
Duration: 1 day Saving Throw: n/a
Area of Effect: Caster

Explanation/Description: As Rarys Mnemonic Enhancer but 6 spell levels. The material components are the same as for rary'S mnemonic enhancer.

Lengthen IV (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V
Range: Special Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell extends the range of a spell cast in the next round. The spell to be cast must be designated when this spell is cast. This spell triples the range of first and second level spells, doubles the range of third and fourth level spells and increases the range of fifth and sixth level spells by 50%. It cannot be dispelled seperately.

Luinrod's Boulder (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Special Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One thrown weapon

Explanation/Description: This spell accelerates the thrown weapon on which it is cast over the first twenty feet of its flght to very high speed. The material component is the weapon to be thrown, which is not used up (though it may be damaged if it strikes a hard object). The somatic component ends with hurling the weapon. For the purpose of initiative systems, the attack counts as the slower of a missile attack delayed by seven segments and a seven segment spell. THe mage rolls to hit normally, except that short, medium and long ranges are increased by +50%/level of caster, and the mage's aim is improved (being mostly mental in aiming the spell, rather than physical in aiming the weapon), allowing the mage to attack as a fighter of 112 times their level (round down), and even to use non-proficiency penalties if not proficient in the weapon being thrown. Damage for the attack is rolled normally, except that the extra speed given by the spell increases the damage by the mages level times the base damage for the weapon type (1D10/1D10 for a suitable boulder (ogre power to lift, 12",1",112" range), 1D6/1D6 for aa spear etc), to a maximum increase of 1D10/level (larger weapons are too heavy for the spell to gain optimum effect). EG an 11th level mage, STR 17, DEX 16 under effects of a prayer hurling +1 dagger at a man-sized target 8" away also in influence of prayer, attacks as a 16th level fighter with +1 to hit from STR, +1 from DEX, +1 from dagger, +1 from prayerand -2 from medium range to give a THAC) of 3 the damage is 12D4+3 (exercise for the reader).

Notice that as the spell only effects the first twenty feet of the missiles path, it can be used to attack targets in ANTI12MAGIC SHELLs, GLOBES OF INVULNERABILITY or which have magic resistance. P. V. N. M causes -1/DIE damage. For the purposes of determining vulnerability, it counts as a high velocity missile of whatever material and magical plus the weapon is fired from a +0 magical missile weapon. The weapon must save vs. normal blow if it strikes a soft asurface (eg human body), or Crushing blow if it strikes a hard surface such as a wall, or be broken by the impact (this will not effect damage done, only the subsequent use of the weapon). Note also that if the missile misses outdoors, it will go a long way (usually somewhere into long range, an may bury itself some way into the ground, so don't use your favourite +3 dagger unless you really need to.

Magic Shell (Abjuration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1'/l diameter sphere

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a sphere of anti-anti-magic within which Anti-magic cannot be called into existence. If it comes into contact with an Anti-magic Shell it will bite into it, and if either is fully within the area of the other the smaller spell is dispelled. If it hits a Protection from Magic it will again bite in, and if the area of the protection from magic is entirely contained in the area of this spell it will destroy the protection from magic field. The material component is some ichor from the central eye of a beholder.

Megamissile (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S
Range: 6" + 1"/L Casting Time: 4 segs
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Any in 60° cone

Explanation/Description: The caster creates 2 x his level magic missiles. Otherwise, this spell is identical to Magic Missile.

No Effect VII (?)
Level: 7 Components: None
Range: 1"/level Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell releases the mana required for a seventh level spell at the chosen point in the same way as if the mage had cast any spell which affected that point. It has no other effect.

Noose of Flesh I (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"/level Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 6 turns Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 30' radius

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a circular 15' thick by 20' high wall of flesh, around the area, any flesh that comes into contact with this wall is merged into it (this is normally fatal for the creature concerned. Any attempt to climb the wall leads to the climber being absorbed, however flying or jumping over it is perfectly possible. The noose closes at 30'/round, finishing up as a 30' diameter pile of flesh. It leaves all non-flesh behind it (including bones). Creatures which are in the area the wall will occupy (but not surround) when cast have a St vs. breath weapon, if they fail they are inside, if they succeed they are outside the wall (on a 1 are actually in the wall) when it forms. The material component is powdered dried human flesh.

Padding VI (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature/object

Explanation/Description: This spell covers the clothing/armour in a glowing field of positive energy, which resists impact. It absorb 6 points of damage from all physical attacks on the wearer. The material component is a piece of cotton quilting.

Parry VI (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 weapon/shield

Explanation/Description: This spell is cast on a parrying weapon or shield. It makes it easier to move and harder to break. It gives +6 AC vs. all attacks which that weapon/shield could be used to parry. The material component is a miniature shield shaped mirror.

Path of Forestry (Rit)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 day
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 forest

Explanation/Description: This spell is a ritual performed by a spellcaster and an army. At the end of the ritual a link is formed between the caster and the army, whereby they may hide in forest cover at the leaders chance (and other similar effects, such as moving silently in forests). The spell lasts as long as the army and caster remain actively campaigning together in the same forest. The army leader must also stay with the army. The material component is a standard fashioned from Mallorn wood or similar (worth 10,000 GP).

Path of Mastery (?)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Special Casting Time: 1 day
Duration: 1 journey Saving Throw: Auto neg
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is a ritual performed by a spellcaster and an army. At the end of teh ritual, a link is formed between the caster and the army, whereby they may follow him across the ethereal/astral planes. The caster must be able to travel across the ethereal/astral plane sby some continuous means (not Teleport, Plane Shift etc). The army travels at normal speed and all participating in the ritual can travel. This spell forms a portal and path behind the caster, should any member of the army deviate from this path they will be lost on the ethereal/astral as tehy are given no navigational ability by this spell. If they somehow regain the path they may rejoin the rest of the army. The army leader must travel with the army. The material component is a spool of silver thread worth 10,000 Gp. Note that the army will have the standard encounter checks for such travel.

Perfect Memory (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 1 day Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Caster

Explanation/Description: This spell ensures that the caster has a perfect memory of everything that occurs while it is up, unless he deliberately chooses not to remember something. These memories are permanent and non-dispellable, though the caster can wipe periods with a limited wish. It is recommended that most mages be very careful in their use of this spell. The material component is a diamond tipped stylus.

Planar Analyse Environment (Divination)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Special Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 1 turn Saving Throw: n/a
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell acts as an Analyse Environment on a location, which need not be on the same plane, chosen by the caster. The location must be well enough defined that the caster could scry it (when in doubt use the crystal ball success chances), and this spell is blocked by anything which would block scrying.

Protect Item (Item Enchantment)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 hour/unit
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 item

Explanation/Description: This spell is used to protect an item against destruction. The mage sacrifices items that would take the same enchantment time to create (Note that Scrolls and Potions only count half value due to their inbuilt ephemeral nature and low level of power). This protection then blends with the item, and is only dispelled if the item is (it will come back up with the item). This protection lasts until the first time the item is destroyed, at which point the item remains intact, but the protection evaporates. Note that this will not work if the protection is dispelled at the time. This Enchantment can be added to an already enchanted item. This spell works by invoking the patronage of a powerful extra-planar being, and as such there is a limit to the powers it can prevent (eg it will prevent a sphere of annihilation but not direct action of a god). In the event of continuous exposure to destructive agents, this protection will last 1 round per casting.

Protection VI (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature/object

Explanation/Description: This spell covers the creature/object in a glowing field of positive energy, which resists damaging change. It gives +6 ST vs. all attack forms. The material component is a rabbits foot.

Protection From Disintegration (Abjuration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg
Area of Effect: 1 object or creature

Explanation/Description: This spell is a modified version of Protection From Specific Spell I, that protects against all forms of magical and technological disintegration attacks irrespective of their spell level. It cannot be stacked with Protection From Specific Spell I and conforms to it in all respects not specified.

Protection From Magic (Abjuration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1'/level radius

Explanation/Description: This spell prevents all magic entering/leaving the area surrounding the creature on which it is cast. Note that, unlike a Protection From Magic scroll this spell does not have any chance of draining a magic item and so cannot be dispelled by coming into contact with a magic item. The material component is a piece of the cornea from a beholders central eye.



Protection From Specific Spell I (Abjuration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg
Area of Effect: 1 object or creature

Explanation/Description: This spell is a specialized protection from other spells, protecting its subject completely from the direct effects of one other spell (of 1st to 6th level, selected when this spell is cast), once.

The subject is only protected from direct effects; for example a protection against Fireball spells will protect a subject from damage due to the fireball,, but not against a fire started by the fireball, or from drowning in water melted from ice by it.

The spell protected against must be one known to the caster of this spell. The material components are those of the spell to be protected against. Magical effects substantially identical to the spell defended against are also negated. For example, protection against Charm Person spells cast on a human would work on a druidic Charm Person Or Mammal, or a beholders charm person eye power (which is the same as the spell), but not against a vampire's gaze charm, bardic charm or seduction.

The protection spell lasts until the effects of the spell protected against can't have any more effect on the subject; for example, a protection against Fireball would vanish as soon as the first fireball to hit the target had gone off, but a protection against Wall of Fire would last until the first wall of fire that the target entered had gone out ( but the target would not be protected against other Wall of Fire spells during this period.

A multi-classed magic-user can use this spell to protect from a spell known in one of his other capacities; a MU/cleric could thus use this spell to protect against Slay Living spells. The spell protected against must be one that the caster is capable of using herself.

This spell cannot protect against the effects of spells of higher than sixth level, or against magic dispelling, draining or negating effects (the spell itself can be dispelled normally). Protection against effects without any effect on the subject (eg Contact Other Plane) is also impossible. Protection against the reverse of the spell is different from protection against the primary spell.

It is not possible to stack several applications of this spell to protect against many different spells. Up to seven uses can be stacked to protect against the same effect, however. Note that only unwilling targets of this spell get a ST.

Reinforce IV (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V
Range: 0 Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as Reinforce I save in that it triples the casting level of first and second level spells, doubles the casting level of third and fourth level spells and increases the casting level of fifth and sixth level spells by 50%

Rust Touch (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 12 round/level Saving Throw: n/a
Area of Effect: Objects touched

Explanation/Description: This spell is reversible. All metal the mage touches rusts and crumbles to dust. Magic items save vs. disintegration (Mithril at +5 adamant at +10). The reverse restores a metal item if 90% or more of the material is present

Savoy's Star Thunder (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 36" Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast a 6" ball of light shoots from the caster's fingertip to detonate at the chosen range in a ball of 5' - 50' diameter (chosen by caster at time of casting). The blast does 4D8 sonic (no ST), 4D8 cold (ST12), 4D8 lightning (ST12), paralysis (ST neg), and those caught in it must save v pet or be blinded for a round. The STs should be rolled seperately. The material component is a dead thunderfly.

Scry Lock II (Abjuration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"/level Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is an improved version of Scry Lock I. It has no saving throw and the locked link can only be broken by a dispel which overcomes the scry lock. Dispels on the scrying spell or device will not be effective. The spell is otherwise similar to Scry Lock I.

Scryport II (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Special Casting Time: 10 rounds
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is a variant of Teleport Without Error, which has sacrificed speed and generality for safety. It can only be used to teleport to a location currently viewed by some means of scrying, if this is on the same plane it has no error chance, otherwise the error chance is as Scryport I.. It is otherwise identical to Teleport Without Error. The material component is pair of crystal beads on opposite ends of a piece of platinum wire.

Shatter Portal (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 portal

Explanation/Description: This spell causes any door blocking a portal of size upto 4 cubic inches. Adoor is here defined as anything blocking a portal, which as part of its function is designed to permit passage (eg door, floating block, portcullis, phasedoored or passwalled piece of stone). It will also effect several such, as long as they are contained in the area of effect and are designed to block the same entrance (eg all gates etc along the main passage in a gatehouse, but no side doors).

Shield Vib (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S
Range: 0 Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 5 round/level Saving Throw: n/a
Area of Effect: Caster

Explanation/Description: This spell acts as Shield Ib except it gives AC -8 against all attacks

Shield VII (Evocation)
Level: 7 Components: V, S
Range: 0 Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 5 round/level Saving Throw: n/a
Area of Effect: Caster

Explanation/Description: This spell acts as Shield except it gives AC -10,-9,-8

Shock Survival (Necromancy)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature/object

Explanation/Description: This spell is a variant of Feign Death designed for medical usage. It can be cast on any object, which will immediately fall into a trance, unwilling sentient objects can automatically resist this spell. This trance will last for the spell duration. The subject will barely bleed during this time, is immune to poison, level drain, the effects of diseases, magical or not. Wounding, degeneration, rotting etc will cease for the spell duration, but then resume at the point they left off. The subject takes half damage from wounds, and will automatically make any system shock rolls required during this period. Virtually any physical collapse will be halted. The subject is totally unaware during this period. They will slowly return to consciousness during the final round. The material component is some diamond dust.

Sleep VII (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 3" + 1"/L Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 5 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: As Sleep I except it effects 6D100 points.

Teleport Lock (?)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 3" radius

Explanation/Description: This spell is cast on an object/location. while it is in effect no creature can teleport in/out of the area centred on the object/location. If cast on a creature, the creature gets a ST to avoid the spell. If it makes its St, the spell is centred on its location, not on it. A creature with this spell cast on it cannot teleport. The material component is a crystal key (worth 500 GP), Note that this spell affects cross-planar teleports as well (and demonic innate TP etc).

Teleporter Without Error (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 5 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 2 objects

Explanation/Description: This spell is cast on two similar objects (both must be touched during the spellcasting). When one object is touched or passed through (in the case of a portal), the being doing so is teleported to the other. The spell can teleport a maximum of 1 creature per 5 rounds. This spell is a crossplanar teleport and is safe as long as both objects are on the same plane. If the objects are on different planes the other location counts as extremely familiar for purposes of coming in high/low and that this chance is rolled once for the spell, at the time of first use to establish the success of the link.

The Black Gate (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Instant Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell acts as a no error crossplanar teleport between a previously prepared diagram of power and an outer plane which must be selected at the time of memorising the spell. When used to return from an outer plane it always returns the caster to the last diagram used. Note that if the diagram is damaged or destroyed the teleport ceases to be no error. The caster can carry 850 lb plus 250 per level above 14th with him, which must be within the pentacle for all of the spell casting and, if sentient must be willing. The caster need not be touching this material. The material components are the diagram (which is not used up), and which must be of an appropriate type, and some material symbolising the destination plane.

Time Limit (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S
Range: Special Casting Time: 1 rnd
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 spell

Explanation/Description: Combined with any spell whose duration is not instant( or a few described as special), this spell allows the effect of the other spell to cease before they normally would, either after a set timr or upon conditions similar to those for the activation of a Magic Mouth (event distinguishable by normal senses +infravision to a range of 1"/level). This spell combines well with a spell of permanency, indeed under such conditions the spell can not only cease but restart upon specific conditions, or after a certain time.

To Tenser, With Love (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature

Explanation/Description: This spell allows the target to attack in melee combat as a fighter, with level dependent on the target's combat table.

Magic user 1/2 own level

Thief 2/3 own level

Cleric 4/5 own level

Fighter 5/4 own level

Monster 5/4 own Hit Dice

Note that the improvement in THAC0 is quite small at some lvel/class combinations. The target gains multiple attacks as normal for his equivalent fighter level; the improved THAC0 is limited to fighter attack modes: a thief under this spell doesn't get a better THAC0 when backstabbing. The material component is a potion of (super)heroism drunk in the same or previous round.

Transmute Salt To Chlorine (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: 2 segments/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 80lb of salt/level

Explanation/Description: This spell transmutes up to 80lb of salt to chlorine gas, leaving behind a white sludge (which produces a strong alkali if mixed with water). The chlorine billows forth, filling a volume equal to 1" cube per 40lb of salt used. At this concentration it does 2D6 of corrosion damage per round to any creature exposed to it, with a ST vs. Poison for half, and attacks objects as if it were acid. The chlorine is non-magical and cannot be dispelled, magic resisted, or otherwise prevented by means of protection from magic. Many creatures immune to poison by reason of physiology, high CON, or not being alive, are still vulnerable to corrosion, though sometimes at a reduced rate. Chlorine is heavier than air, and will thus tend to remain low down, but can otherwise be moved by any winds in the area. As it moves it will usuallly get mixed with more air, increasing its volume but decreasing the damage from 2D6/round to 1D6/round to 1D2/round and halving thereafter. Below 1D2/turn it can be considered to have dissipated. the material components of the spell are the salt to be transmuted, damp and mied with 1GP's worth of finely powdered platinum per lb, and a strong draught of air,(as much air is needed as chlorine is produced by the spell).

Walk Unseen (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 7 Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 7 segs
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature

Explanation/Description: This spell is a vastly improved Invisibility, in that it leaves no extraneous details or errors in continuity. The recipient will not be spotted by "see invisible" rolls (viewer gets 1% of normal see invisible roll, if this is less than 1/10 % it rounds down to zero), sense scrying rolls, or Detect Invisibility, though Truesight will still see through it. It lasts as long as Invisibility, save in that the actions required to dispel it are less significant, opening a door which others can see, whether or not they are watching it, acting offensively or casting a spell with immediately noticeable effect being examples. Movement will not set it off. The material component is a piece of the finest crystal.