The Twilight Brigade

Barry Troll Physical Adept
Talks-With-Cats Human Hermetic Mage
Theora / Max Headroom Human Decker
Johnny Doppler Human Rigger
VioletElf Physical Adept
Doc GrizzlyHuman Detective
PatriciaHuman Fixer
LightfootHuman Gargoyle Shaman
RikkiHuman Mongoose Shaman
DremeHuman Physical Adept
FieranElven Physical Adept

They have formed an initiatory group. They’ve been inventing enough spells that there’s a Twilight Brigade grimoire, and there’s even a page for all their pets. I’m speculating on ways to make money in down time, and have written a bit of expository prose that covers some of my ideas about how things work in the Shadowrun world.