The Top Ten Things Overheard Behind the Scenes at the Mr. Squishy Show
10. "Don't you think Nellie Moore is sexy?"
9. "Just our luck, this is going to be the one Skaface song about fellatio."
8. "Do you think a half-hour is enough time to leave for Sci-Fi Summary?"
7. "You bastard! You stole my line!"
6. "Trust me, it won't be indecent."
5. "Quick! We need more pointless crap!"
4. "Someone's at the do'..."
3. "God, I should be asleep right now."
2. "Do we really hate our listeners this much?"
And the number one thing overheard behind the scenes at the Mr. Squishy Show ...
"'Sex Bomb'! Play 'Sex Bomb'!"
Last Modified: 1995 October 20
Joe Schlobotnik