Parma Argenta
Parma, as he is generally
called, is Amurgsval's generalist and token Christian. Although the
more specialized magi in the group can generally best him in any one
field, he generally outclasses each of them in the arts they do not
concentrate upon. He is often the magus to perform feats of
spontaneous magic involving multiple art requisites, and is considered
the leading scholar of Amurgsval. When Gambrinus goes Final Twilight,
his duties as Head Researcher will pass to Parma.
Parma's Story
Although he had the usual problems of a Gifted child, young Piotr's
life was blessed with a succession of friends and protectors. (This
good fortune, along with the religious teachings of his first such
protector, formed the basis of Parma's Christian faith.) He first
found shelter with a kind-hearted religious man who studied at an
Orthodox monastery outside St. Petersburg (who for some reason either
did not notice or managed to ignore the boy's inexplicable, but
powerful sense of oddness). Eventually as Georgi realized he was not
up to the task of raising, nor in the position to raise, an
inquisitive boy with a disturbing air, he remembered one of his
academic acquaintences' mention of the signs of a child with the
Gift. He introduced young Piotr to that Bonisagus master (Fortion of
Novgorod), who was indeed pleased to take the boy as his
apprentice. By the time his training was complete it was obvious to
Fortion that although Piotr had the talents and many inclinations of a
Bonisagus researcher, his magic was more suited to House
Criamon. Since Fortion had friendly acquaintences at a little-known
Criamon covenant in the far northeastern part of the tribunal, when
Parma was ready to pass his gauntlet he was inducted into that
house. He lived at Radis Magica (the Criamon covenant) for a decade.
When the masters of Radis Magica learned from scrying magics that a
previously unknown and mysterious enemy of the Order was moving
against them, that the covenant was likely to be destroyed, but that a
small group might survive to carry word, they sent Parma, the most
valuable consortis (the scribe), and some grogs on an errand to
Novgorod, which although obviously not requiring a full magus and a
scribe, was sufficient to keep them away during the event.
When Parma returned to Radis Magica, he discovered that the place had
virtually disappeared. The cave complex was rearranged, the aura was
lessened and infernally tainted, and the innermost areas of the
covenant seemed to be inaccessible. He went back to Novgorod with the
long-term plan of discovering what had happened and returning to
Radis, and perhaps having some vengeance for the demise of his
adoptive pater and his covenant.
Parma was a welcome guest at Novgorod for several years, studying in
their library most of the time and sharing some of his vis supply to
pay for occasional use of a laboratory. Eventually Parma met the magi
of Amurgsval when they were visiting for a Novgorod Tribunal; in that
group he met Aeolus of Criamon, who was also a Radis Magica alumnus
and who also wanted to solve the mystery of their original covenant's
It took some twenty more years before Parma and Aeolus, with their
friends among the junior magi of Amurgsval, felt ready to address the
that had destroyed a covenant, an archmage, and several leading
Criamon masters. During that time Parma became a full member of
Amurgsval, performed some enchantments and other tasks for which his
generalization suited him well, and even took on an apprentice of his
Appearance and Personality
Parma is at the darker range of the Russian spectrum of pigmentation,
except that he has white hair and blue eyes. He has a slightly
thoughtful air, but is not so absent-minded or gentle as to be useless
in battle. His hair and eyes, and the surprising catlike way his hair
"fluffs" when he is angry or threatened, are influences from his very
close bond with his familiar.
He has the Blatant Gift. He is usually in the company of an ounce (in
modern parlance a snow leopard) with striking blue eyes, and he
usually carries a hazel quarterstaff. He carries a shiny (silvered)
target shield and a silvered mace, although he doesn't tend to ready
the shield and he never wields the mace (it's a spell focus). He also
has a ring! of obsidian set with clear glass, jet, and
At this time his quarterstaff! looks really gaudy, although he plans to
enchant it to appear (or be able to appear) more normal someday. The
staff has a big rock crystal capital, and is set with one each of
agate, amber, aquamarine, bloodstone, catseye, crystal, jade, opal,
quartz, red coral (small but fine), ruby, sapphire, and topaz, as well
as inlays of sea shell and silver with recurring shapes of shields and
daggers or swords. It also has all fifteen Verditius Runes in its
Parma's familiar! (the ounce, silly!) is named Occulis Lapis
after his most striking feature. Lapis' least striking feature! is of course not worth mentioning here
because you wouldn't notice it.
Parma is intensely curious (+3), especially about magic. He is
studious (+3), especially in regards to reading. He is also careful
(+1), especially in regards to being alert for dangers. Despite these
predelictions, he is also a bit kind (+1) and he especially enjoys
being helpful. (He once delayed his researches for an enitre season
to help fight a breakout of smallpox in a local village.) He also has
some of the personality of an Ounce (+2), and has recently become more
Discreet (+2), especialy when stalking. These last are obviously, at
least to those who understand such things, the results of his
relationship with his familiar.
Parma was born in 1174, and began his longevity potion at the usual
35. His abilities as listed here are as of Spring 1234. His potion is
quite powerful, being worth no less than -23. He has no decrepitude
points, and only one twilight point from his single Wizard's Twilight
so far.
Int | +3 (Knowledgeable) | | Per | +2 (Accurate) |
Str | -2 (Scrawny-Armed) | | Sta | +2 (Strong-Winded) |
Pre | -2 (Unassuming) | | Com | 0 |
Dex | -2 (Clumsy)) | | Qui | -1 (Torpid) |
Observable Virtues and Flaws
- Student
- Night Reader
- Speak with Auram Creatures (including birds)
- Perfect Balance
- Visions
- Blatant Gift
- Incomprehensible
- Warped Magic: Enigmatic confusion. All within near range of Parma
when he casts a spell must roll (Int + Enig Wis) equal or higher to
the magnitude of the spell or be confused for a round (or more at
Storyguide discretion) by the strange Enigmatic half-visions/visual
- Compulsive cleanliness (cat-like)
- Driving Goal: To Understand Magic!
Observable Skills
Some of the skills you could notice Parma has by careful observation:
- Speak Russian 4, Speak Latin 5, Speak Greek 3, Speak Rumanian 3, Speak Arabic 1
- Scribe Latin 5, Scribe Norse 1, Scribe Greek 3, Scribe Arabic 2
- Magic Theory 12
- Enigmatic Wisdom 8
- Chirurgy 2, Medicine 2
- Leadership 2, Drinking 2, Piety 1, Folk Ken 1, Intrigue 1
- Humanities 2, Astronomy 1, Church Lore 2, Faerie Lore 3, Occult Lore 2, Fantastic Beast Lore 3,
Legend Lore 2, Church Knowledge 2
- Hermes Lore 3, Hermetic Law 2
- Alertness 1, Scan 2, Survival 1, Stealth 2
- Spirit Lore 1
- Weather Sense 3, Perfect Balance 1, Visions 2
- Area Lore: Amurgsval 5, Nearby Woods 2, Europe 1, Transylvania Tribunal 1, Radis Magica 4 (useless),
Novgorod Tribunal 1, Durenmar area 1
Attitude Summary
- Enigmatic Wisdom: "The world we see is only part of the
world as it is. As magi, it is our duty and priviledge to interact
with the best and most interesting things. If we do not, we are
wasting our God-given potential and we will surely be accountable one
way or another. Although many of my house cling to their secrets as if
sharing them would lessen them. Like the other Criamon of Amurgsval, I
follow in Juliasta's (Criamon's filia's) path, seeking to open the
eyes of all magi to the wondrous true nature of the Enigma."
- House Bjornaer: "The Enigma manifests in them most interestingly.
I wish they were more willing to let me study it in them."
- House Bonisagus: "They seek the Enigma without
acknowledging the object of their search. Still, theirs is a tradition
of much value, and of course much of the Order's existence is our debt
to them."
- House Criamon: "I wish more of my house were more willing to
compare and share experiences. I'm sure that we'd be more advanced than
we are if they were."
- House Díedne: "Alas that a whole tradition of
knowledge was lost. I wonder if they were really all tainted, or if
some could have been saved. Still, I was not there and true evil
surely exists."
- House Flambeau: "Give a small boy a hammer and he will find
that everything needs pounding. Give most Flambeaux a beautiful statue
and they will still discover that everything needs pounding. I hope that Vector
Tempestatum will continue to grow in understanding, and that his recent
trend toward construction instead of destruction will become a trend toward
knowledge instead of power for its own sake."
- House Guernicus: "A lonely troublesome task. May God help them,
and may He keep them from themselves being corrupted."
- House Jerbiton: "If only they would understand that magic itself
can be just as beautiful as any other artwork."
- House Mercere: "Never deprecate one who serves. These workers
are most surely worthy of their hire."
- Faeries, House Merinita: "Hmmm. They can do things with
magic that are both useful and powerful, and sometimes even
beautiful. They are dangerous though - whether or not they truly have
souls, they lack something in their nature. Their problems with
creativity make them more distant from the Creator. Paradoxically,
they can be great allies against the Infernal. Perhaps that is the
reason they were created as they are."
- House ex Miscellanea: "It is wise for the order to welcome new
ways to experience the Enigma. Perhaps we should put more effort into sharing
with these new traditions."
- House Tremere: "Dangerous fanatics. Doubly dangerous for
their cleverness and power, and tragic in how they seek worldly power instead
of real cosmic experience."
- House Tytalus: "I haven't dealt with many from that house. I hope
someday to meet one who will recognize her interest in conflict as another
way to seek the Enigma."
- House Verditius: "Many of them seem to value the thingness of
their creation more than its magicness. On the other hand, our own Gambrinus
is truly versed in Enigmatic Wisdom, so their way too is a true path of magic."
- Peasants: "Sometimes a common person can see the heart of a
riddle where a scholar is too busy searching for it. It is too bad
that all cannot experience the Enigma, but I'm sure God knows why he
does what he does."
- Nobles: "Some are as bad as the Tremere, others as noble
as the Jerbiton. Alas, but none are Gifted so truly they are no different
from the peasants."
- Demons and the Infernal: "Of course, the most dangerous
foe of all. It's too bad the Church and the Order have not been more
allied in the struggle of Life over Death. It is refreshing when a demon
is visible and corporeal enough to blast, but these are the least
dangerous kind. Houses Tytalus and Diedne are prime examples
of why magi should not be too proud to seek God."
- The Church and the Dominion: "I do not understand why
the power of God seems to decrease the power of magic, which surely
He created too. I have various ideas, but no real answer. The Gift is
no different from the gifts of a master artist, or a master craftsman. If
used well it makes things of beauty that praise the Creator; if used ill
it can mar creation. It is a great priviledge and blessing to have the
Gift and thus the gateway to the Enigma."
- Twilight: "What we call Wizard's Twilight is, as any Criamon
will tell you, an intense experience of the Enigma, something at the very
edge of what even a Gifted human can be and do. What we call Final
Twilight is something even stranger. Many magi will tell you that Final
Twilight is an alternative to death; some wizards, such as the shamans
near Amurgsval, claim that the realm of Final Twilight is some sort of
escape from final judgement. That, of course, is not possible. I think that
that 'Twilight Void' is another world, like this one or like Arcadia, still
created by God and still a place of pilgrimage. Those with the Gift
who choose to truly grow in the ways of magic travel to this other
place to continue their life until they are finally called to judgement.
It must be a wonderful place, full of magic and the Enigma. Those there
must have vastly greater power and range of experience than we do
here. I plan to go Final Twilight myself someday, but it is both a moral
duty and a prudent preparation to be as well-versed in magic and in
other knowledge as I can be before then. It's also possible, of course,
that the Divine has another plan for me. Whether or not I journey first
to the Twilight Lands, I hope to achieve Heaven some day."